What do you do after you have tried your best?

I was lied to, on more than one occasion, and it hurts. I tried my best but failed, on more than one occasion, and it's painful.  I was wrong, on more than one occasion, and it's tiring. I'm tired.

I am referring to of course my dream to speak Japanese. I have been studying Japanese since I was in 6th grade. I thought I was pretty good back then, until I got to high school and shit got real. Five years of studying at high school, damn I must be so pro. University Japanese, ha ha ha ha ha no. Three years of studying at university, surely now I can speak Japanese. Move to Japan, I have wasted my life! Six months living in Japan. I am currently sitting in the staffroom, starring at another Japanese textbook, thinking to myself:-

SOMEONE LIED - Living in Japan does not make learning Japanese quick and easy

I TRIED MY BEST - I have studied almost every day since arriving here, and I am still lost

I WAS WRONG - my expectations, my views on language learning, and my opinion of the Japanese language, all wrong

So, what does one do after they have tried their best? I feel like at this stage a change of perspective is in order.

SOMEONE SLIGHTLY OVER-EXAGGERATED - I studied English for 12 solid years at school and I still can't remember if occasion has one or two 'i's'. Japanese will take a long time too.

I AM TRYING MY BEST - and look how far I have come. I am living in Japan!

I AM NOW RIGHT - every body is wrong sometimes. Japanese people will expect you to be wrong. But, after you are wrong, you have naturally learned the right way to do something.

In conclusion, I would like to direct my thoughts two ways.
To the prospective overseas English teacher - You will have to study a lot! It will take forever! But, when a student comes up to you with a story that they have been dying to tell you, and you understand, then it's worth it.
To the current English teachers - I would love to throw out there the buzz word of the century in Japan; ganbatte! And just when you get to the point when you are sure you will collapse and die if you have to listen to another word that you can't understand, ganbatte!


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