A Japanese Wedding 日本の結婚式

On March 21st I attended my first ever Japanese wedding. I was feeling pretty good about the whole thing. I found a beautiful dress (on sale!) that the shop attendant approved as wedding appropriate; your dress should cover your shoulders, cleavage, be a decent length, and not white. I found a cheap necklace while travelling in Thailand that matched the earrings I wanted to wear. Plus, in an incredibly rare example of forethought, I asked my parents to bring stockings for me when they visited at Christmas time, because there is no way I would be able to find a pair of stockings that fit me here. How organised am I! Or so I thought.

The nervousness started to creep in on the Wednesday before the wedding, when I went to the hairdresser for a trim. I told him about the wedding and asked what he thought I should do with my hair. I had initially planned to leave it down, controlling the natural wave just slightly with two simple braids on the sides. However, the hairdresser told me that because my hair touches my shoulders now, I should probably wear it up, and it should be neat. No natural wave. He suggested straightening it. He straightened it for me after cutting it, however, since he had just blow dried it and the humidity was out of control that day, it was a mess. He said because of the awkward length it would be hard to get it to sit right. His final words, “Well, do your best.” Just. Perfect.

I became even more nervous the following day. It is customary in Japan to give money to the bride and groom, but I was unsure of the appropriate amount to give, so I messaged one of my friends who was also attending the wedding and asked how much he was giving (in a round-about indirect kind of way). He reminded me that the money has to be newly printed notes, which you have to go to the bank to get. I remember reading about that somewhere, probably in a Japanese textbook, but had completely forgotten about it. I was also yet to purchase the special wedding gift money envelope and had no idea what it looked like. I started to freak out a little. What else had I forgotten about? I went online and read a few “dos and don’ts of a Japanese wedding” blogs, and sought advice from my co-worker. The blogs really did not make me feel any better. One of the writers said she was called up to give an impromptu speak as the ‘token foreigner’. Another said that enclosed heels are a must as strappy shoes are not appropriate. I have only one pair of heels and they are not enclosed! Queue unreasonable panic! Thank goodness my co-worker is a super down to earth amazing person, who told me to stop worrying cause these days weddings are much more relaxed than they used to be. She drew me a little picture of the envelope I needed to buy and covered for me while I snuck out to the bank which is only open during work hours, of course! And with that, I was ready, or as ready as I would ever be.
The envelop and it's instruction manual. Talk about complicated!

I had to practice writing my name a few times.

My wonderful neighbours gave me a lift to the event, which was held in the convention centre at Sea Gaia, Sheraton Hotel, the nicest hotel in Miyazaki. I arrived too early, so I did what any loner would do; I killed time taking selfies in the gorgeous powder room. After I had captured my hair and make-up efforts sufficiently, I ventured back out to wait for my friends. Once they arrived, they helped me sign in at the reception, which was divided into two tables, one for the bride and one for the groom. I handed over my card, said “congratulations”, and wrote my name and address on the registry. I heard the boys talking behind me about how you have to put a little effort into your handwriting for these kinds of things, because if it is messy, it leaves a bad impression. I took a breath, slowed down, and wrote as neatly as I could. When I was done, the receptionist handed me a wedding reception pamphlet. This is what we entertained ourselves with for the next half an hour. On one side of the pamphlet, there was a list of all the guests and their relation to the bride or groom. On the other side was the menu (a luxurious seven course meal!) and a profile of the bride and groom. The profile caught my attention instantly. It listed the bride and groom’s date of birth, blood type, first impression of each other, and what kind of family life they hope to build together. I liked it a lot, very informative! Someone please remind me to do that for my future wedding, although I will have to find out what my blood type is before then.
Killing time in the powder room with my wedding appropriate hair and dress.

An announcement came over the loudspeaker to tell us the hall was ready, and we moved up to the fourth floor. The bride and groom and their parents were waiting at the door, having just finished the private family-only ceremony. My friend, the groom, was super pale and looked like he would collapse any second, but the show must go on. We filed into the hall in single file stopping in front of the wedding party to bow and say congratulations. I probably said congratulations about 10 times throughout the whole event; every time I talked to the bride, groom or their family. The hall was exquisite! I felt like I had stepped into an alternate world. It was like a ball room from back in the times when balls were a thing. There were huge chandeliers hanging from the ceiling which was three or four times higher than usual. The only thing that was missing was the dance floor! Unfortunately, Japanese weddings do not include a bridal waltz, however, we were more than entertained.
準備が終わったので、4階へ移動してくださいというアナウンスが流れた。新郎新婦とご両親は式がおわったところでホールの前で待っていた。新郎は倒れそうなほど顔色が悪かったけど、時間通りにthe show must go on! ホールに入る時、一列になって新郎新婦の前を通って挨拶をした。新郎新婦又はご家族の方と挨拶した時に、10回ぐらいおめでとうと言ったかもしれない。ホールはすごかった。別世界に行ったようだった。昔、ダンスが人気があった時代のダンスホールのようだった。普通より3,4倍の高さの天井から大きなシャンデリアが下がっていた。ないのは1つだけ、ダンスフロアがなかった。残念ながら、日本の結婚式ではブライダルワルツをしない。とは言え、エンターテイメントは十分あると思った。

We found our assigned seats, guided by the pamphlet and place cards, and took a seat. After a short while the celebrant came over the speaker and asked us to look at the back of our place cards. On the back we found hand-written personalized messages from the bride and groom. What a lovely touch! It was evident that they had really put a lot of thought into this.  The bride and groom entered to applause and took their place on the stage. They remained standing for what seemed like quite a long time. The groom gave a short welcome speech which was very formal. This was followed by speeches from each of their bosses. The groom’s boss went first, and began his speech with “at my wedding the first speech went on for thirty minutes, but don’t worry I won’t talk for that long.” He still managed to speak for about 10-15 minutes, far too long for an opening speech in my opinion, but it was interesting enough. At the end of his speech he apologized that the groom would probably have to work late at his job in the coming years, but that this is not the company’s fault. Instead, he said, it is evidence of his excellence as an employee. Japanese work culture is something that I find really hard to understand and get used to, and I was surprised to hear the groom’s boss apologizing at his wedding. However, the next speech from the bride’s boss also included an apology. He apologized that her job requires her to work weekends which are the only days the groom has off, so the newlyweds may not be able to spend a lot of time together. Perhaps it is customary in Japan for bosses to apologise in wedding speeches. It was a little odd for me.
The wedding pamphlet and my place card. Such a great idea!

I can’t remember the exact order of events, but this initial “welcome ceremony” also had the celebrant introduce the bride and groom; their school history, work history, sports, hobbies and personality traits. There was also a home-video that ended with an adorable two-shot of the happy couple holding a sign saying “Thank you for coming”. Between the reception pamphlet, the celebrant’s introductions and the boss’ speeches, I had already learned so much about the bride and groom, and we were still only 30 minutes into the ceremony! Next up was the toast, which was preceded by a traditional Japanese ceremony called kagami biraki, in which the lid of a sake barrel is broken open with a small wooden hammer. My friends informed me later that this is not common at weddings these days, but since the groom’s family has a connection to a sake brewery in his hometown of Toyama, sake was specially made and sent to Miyazaki for the wedding. It was a delicious sweet sake, served in little wooden boxes. I still haven’t figured out the best way to drink from these little boxes. Are you supposed to drink from the corner or from one of the sides? Either way, the risk of spilling it down your front seems high. Another cultural hurdle, thanks Japan.
順番はよく覚えてないけど、この最初の開会式みたいな間、司会が新郎新婦の紹介もした。学歴、仕事、好きなスポーツ、趣味、性格等を紹介した。そして、新郎が作った二人のホームビデオが上映された。そのビデオのラストシーンで二人がThank you for comingと書いてある紙を持っていた。パンフレットや紹介や上司のスピーチ等、わずか30分の間に新郎新婦のことを結構学んだ。次は鏡開きと乾杯だった。最近の結婚式では鏡開きをするのが珍しいと後で友達から聞いたけど、新郎は地元の富山県での日本酒の造り酒屋と何かの関係があるから、結婚式のために特別な日本酒が富山県から送られてきた。甘くて美味しかった。酒枡から飲んだけど、枡の飲み方がまだわからない。こぼすリスクが高そう。もう一つの文化の違いのハードルだね。
Toyama sake served in a wooden box. 

At this point the food and alcohol was served, and the bride exited the room for her first outfit change. My friends and I went up to say congratulations to the groom (again), and get a photo together. The colour had returned to his face a little by this stage, thank goodness. When we returned to our seats, the bride’s parents came to our table to thank us for coming and pour us more alcohol. I scored an invite to their house! The groom exited the room to escort the bride back into the room. She had changed into a white western-style wedding dress which was stunning to say the least. The groom had also changed into a metallic grey suit. I think it was around about this point in time when I began to suspect that I was in some kind of Hollywood movie. The bride and groom were the celebrities on the red-carpet, followed by spotlights everywhere they went. Everything was perfectly planned and executed. The whole thing was amazing!
The food and alcohol was exquisite!

As the food kept coming we were constantly entertained. A surprise video message from the groom’s grandparents who couldn’t make the long journey, speeches from the best friends, a surprise video from the groom’s futsal team, the cutting of the cake, baby photo slide shows, and a lucky draw with prizes including Toyama Sake and Miyazaki Beef. I did not win. The bride changed her dress once more, this time to a beautiful blue western-style dress, and the couple walked around to all the tables one by one to take photos.  By this stage the guys at my table were fairly tipsy and decided that in order to liven up the photo they would all put their neckties around their heads in the classic “drunk salary man” style. After the photo, they returned the neckties to their initial perfection, of course. Finally, desert was served and the wedding started to wind down a little. The bride tearfully read a thank you letter to her parents, who had moved to the small stage at the back of the room. The couple then joined their parents at the back for a final thank you speech from the bride’s father, and proceeded outside. It was at this point that I confirmed my suspicions that we were in a movie, as the final credits, a video thanking all those who had helped plan and execute the wedding, rolled on screen. We exited the hall, gift bags in hand, and joined the single file queue outside to receive more gifts and congratulate the wedding party on a beautiful wedding.
The cake.

When summarizing the wedding the first word that comes to mind is sasuga. Let me preface my translation of this word with a cultural tidbit. I have never seen a more gorgeous, meticulously planned and elegantly executed wedding. This level of excellence and perfection is something that Japan is known for. The word sasuga means “as one would expect”. In most cases it is used to express that something has lived up to your expectations and you are impressed by it. This wedding was everything I would have expected from a Japanese wedding, and some. It was a wonderful, memorable event, and I am eternally grateful to my friends for sharing their special day with me. I wish them all the best for their new life together.
この結婚式は一言で言うと、「流石」という言葉が思い浮かぶ。なぜかを説明する前に、少し日本の文化について説明したいと思う。今までこんなにゴージャスで、細かく計画してあり、完璧に行われた結婚式を見たことがない。日本はこの完璧さと優秀さで知られている。流石は「as one would expect」という意味もある。だいたいの場合では、「期待通りで、感動した」と表す言葉だ。この結婚式は私の日本の結婚式への期待を超えた素敵なイベントだった。誘ってくれた友達に感謝している。お幸せに!

My gift, by the way, I am yet to decide on. It is customary for the bride and groom to give gifts to all their guests to thank them for coming. When I unwrapped the package in my gift bag, I found a photo album filled with pictures of all the gifts I could choose from. After I make my decision, I simply have to fill in the back of a postcard, send it away, and wait for my present to arrive. I’m thinking about the food, but I might be persuaded by one of the “experiences.” There is even horse riding! sasuga Japan!

因みにギフトはまだ決めてない。日本では新郎新婦が出席した人みんなに贈り物をする習慣がある。私がもらったものは選べるギフトの写真が入った“アルバム”だった。 決めたら、はがきに書いて送って、待つだけ。今のところ、食品がいいと思っているけど、体験ギフトも面白そう。乗馬体験もある!流石日本!
The album of gifts that I can choose from freely. What to choose....


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