
Showing posts from April, 2015

A Japanese Wedding 日本の結婚式

On March 21 st I attended my first ever Japanese wedding. I was feeling pretty good about the whole thing. I found a beautiful dress (on sale!) that the shop attendant approved as wedding appropriate; your dress should cover your shoulders, cleavage, be a decent length, and not white. I found a cheap necklace while travelling in Thailand that matched the earrings I wanted to wear. Plus, in an incredibly rare example of forethought, I asked my parents to bring stockings for me when they visited at Christmas time, because there is no way I would be able to find a pair of stockings that fit me here. How organised am I! Or so I thought. 3 月 21 日に日本に来てはじめての結婚式に出席した。出席する前、すごく楽しみだった。ブティックの店員に結婚式に着ていけるドレスを聞いた。スタイル、長さ、色等、いろんなルールがあって難しかった。タイに旅行した時、付けたいピアスに合うネックレスも見つけた。そして、私にはめずらしく両親がクリスマスに日本に来た時、日本で絶対に買えない外国人サイズのストッキングをもってきてほしいと頼んだ。この事前準備、すごいでしょ!と思ったが…。 The nervousness started to creep in on the Wednesday before the wedding, when I went to the hairdresser for a trim. I told him about the