
Showing posts from September, 2015

Welcoming the New JETs 新しいJET参加者へようこそ

Every summer I fly to Tokyo twice to pick up the new ALTs who have come to Japan on the JET Programme to live and teach in Miyazaki. It is very exciting to be the first to meet the newcomers in person, and something that I look forward to every year. The JET Programme organizes a two day orientation for the new recruits, which includes a variety of workshops and lectures. This year I was once again invited to fly to Tokyo a day earlier to participate in the panel discussion, which I accepted enthusiastically. It is an honor to have the opportunity to share my experiences and the things that I have learned these past four years. I also love hearing the opinions of the other panelists, which are often so different from my own experiences. Japan may be a relatively homogenous society, but a lot of diversity can be found between the different prefectures and regions. For this reason, it can be a little hard to give answers that will be relevant to everyone who attends the panel, but at th