
Showing posts from May, 2015

Split in Two 二つに分かれた

I was talking to a friend the other day who pointed out something that I had not taken the time to consider yet. My friend did a one year working holiday in Australia, and had intended to do a second year, but decided to come home to be near her family. When she returned home to Japan and started working, she struggled to adapt to her old surroundings and began planning her escape to Australia. However, before she got the chance to put this plan into action, she met her now husband, and decided to stay for a while to be with him. She told me that she doesn't regret returning to Japan, but she still would have liked to have lived in Australia again. この間、友達と話していて、その時まで気づいてなかったことを考えさせられた。友達は1年間オーストラリアでワーキングホリデーをして、もう1年をやろうとしたけど、結局、家族に会いたくて帰った。帰国してから、新しい人生と仕事に慣れることができなくて、またオーストラリアに逃げようと考えていたようだ。だが、計画を立てる前に、今の旦那と出会って、彼と付き合うため、日本にいることにした。日本に帰ったことは後悔していないけど、もう一回ぐらいオーストラリアで住んでみたかったと語った。 Her story made me realise that I may have made my life slightly more complicated than was necessa