Do Japanese Learners Need Keigo? 外国人には敬語が必要なのか?

Do you come from a land down under? Where women glow and men plunder. Can’t you hear, can’t you hear the thunder? You better run, you better take cover… from keigo.
No, keigo is not a person. Although it is actually a popular guys name in Japan, the keigo I am referring to is the super polite form of the Japanese language, also known as honorific language, used commonly in customer service and business.
From a linguistic and sociological standpoint, keigo is a fascinating insight into the Japanese social hierarchy. From a Japanese learner’s point of view, it is one more thing that you have to memorise, which sometimes leaves you questioning, ‘Do I really need this?’

I am going to play devil’s advocate for a moment and say no.
Let’s look at the facts.

Does knowing keigo get you a better job? Perhaps. It depends on what kind of job you want. If you are aiming for an English teaching position, I suggest studying up on your English grammar instead, because Japanese English teachers and students will ask you some absurdly specific questions. If you are applying for a high level position at a traditional Japanese company, then speaking keigo might help to get you through the interview process. I say might because if they are only considering you for your keigo skills, then they will probably just hire a Japanese person who can speak English.

Do Japanese people expect you to learn keigo? No. Honestly, some Japanese people can’t even use keigo correctly, so really the only expectations are those you will put on yourself. My colleagues tell me all the time that I don’t need to use keigo. I have confirmed this with my friends as well, who said the same thing. Unless you are working in sales or some super strict Japanese company, Teineigo (regular polite Japanese) is fine.

Will learning keigo boost your attractiveness? I will admit that I am impressed when a non-native Japanese speaker busts out in fluent keigo. However, it impresses me more when a non-native speaker starts talking in fluent local dialect. There’s a story there, because you don’t just pick up a local dialect from reading a textbook. You have to live in the area, make local friends and probably even befriend an elderly person who speaks the truest version of the dialect. Whereas with keigo, there is nothing else to do but memorise a big fat textbook. That being said, I guess I should be impressed that someone actually made it all the way through one of those textbooks in their life-time, because they are painstakingly boring. The book I am working with at the moment, Practical Business Japanese, was published in 1973 and is no exception to this.

So what the hell am I studying keigo for?
I guess you just reach that point in your Japanese study when you begin to understand the way that Japanese society works and feel that if you ever want to truly adult in Japan, it is helpful to have a trump card to whip out every now and again, that trump card being stunning everyone into silence with your perfect keigo. Alternatively, you could just whip out your perfect English, which also has the power to silence everyone around you.

So yes, I recommend studying keigo if you have free time, but I wouldn’t say you need keigo. Maybe we can study together, study sesh at starbucks anyone?


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