Top 5 Lunches of 2015 2015年度のランチランキング トップ5

Since I am now a long term resident of Miyazaki, and an avid foodie, I am often asked for restaurant recommendations around Miyazaki City. The only problem is I have been to so many places that whenever I am asked it is really hard to recommend just one place. I like them all for different reasons! This prompted me to start an album on Facebook titled Miyazaki City Dining, where I post delicious pictures of meals that I eat along with a short review. I hoped that this would help others discover the deliciousness that Miyazaki City has to offer.


The response was overwhelming. So many people starting commenting on my pictures, and asking me for more details of the restaurants. It gave me great satisfaction to be able to share some of my knowledge about the local area. The only person who wasn’t happy was my step brother in Australia, who told me at Christmas time to stop posting pictures of delicious food he can’t eat. You’ll just have to come to Miyazaki, Greg!  


In celebration of all the amazing food that I have eaten, I have decided to rank my top 5 lunches of 2015. It was a super difficult choice, and if you asked me on a different day, my answer might be different; it really depends on my mood at the time. If you haven’t been to these places, you really should! You should also check out my album on Facebook for even more ideas, not only for lunch, but for dinner also.


5. Tomato Ramen

Ask anyone who lives in Miyazaki city, Tomato ramen is the best! I usually get the grilled chicken and eggplant as toppings, but they are all good. If you’re really hungry you can order a side of rice to make a delicious risotto with the leftover soup.

5.麺屋トマト (トマトラーメン)



4. Vendange

Based on food quality and taste, this could probably give number 1 a run for its money. However I put it at four because there are only two options on the menu, and because you have to make a reservation (usually quite far in advance). They release the menu a month at a time, so you can choose which day to go based on what sounds the most appealing. Every meal comes with fresh baked bread which is still warm, dessert and a drink.




3. Sakurai Dining

Sakurai Dining is another restaurant that you often have to make a reservation for, but maybe not quite so far in advance. They offer three delicious lunch choices: a daily galette, curry or the salad lunch. I recommend the salad lunch because it comes with soup, bread and quiche! I also like to buy an afternoon snack from their freshly baked sweets section to get me through the long afternoon. J




2. Manmaaru

I was first introduced to Manmaaru thanks to a work party. They have half decent wine on the all you can drink menu. If that doesn’t convince you, perhaps nothing will, but just in case, they also have a really good lunch deal. For around 1000 yen you can get a main dish and access to what (I would argue) is the best salad bar in town. At the very least, I am pretty sure it is the only salad bar that has avocado. With the price of avocados, you could potentially get your money’s worth right there!




1.    Bistro Aurora

I think the picture says it all for why this is my number one lunch choice for 2015. I love the fusion of the Miyazaki favorite Chicken nanban with demi-glaze sauce; it’s genius. I also enjoy the extra attention to detail that they put into food presentation. There is always “merci” or some other message written in chocolate on the dessert plate. It goes above and beyond my lunch expectations, and always leaves me feeling satisfied with life.



So what does Miyazaki City have in store for me this year?

So far these are some of the delicious foods I have found. Will they make the top 5 this year?



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